Glenfiddich 1975 Sherry Butt Cask 4706 Single Malt Scotch Whisky
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The 1975 Vintage Cask 4706/5114 is the third select whisky from Glenfiddich. It’s comprised of a 44-year-old scotch that’s been aged in two different casks; the first, crafted from European Oak Sherry Butt (4706), and the second, a distinct European Oak Hogshead (5114). Each rarified spirit boasts its own unique flavor, with cask 4706 taking on vibrant notes of oak, vanilla, toasted almonds, blossom, banana, and citrus. Cask 5114, on the other hand, reminisces and contrasts between the subtle flavors of caramel apple, nutmeg, spiced oak, sundried raisins, and vanilla. With both examples clocking in at above 45% ABV, Glenfiddich’s new single malt scotch is sure to appease elites and amateurs alike — but with a price tag of $10,000, its audience is likely to be skewed to the wealthy side of the spectrum.